Everything we do should be what's for the best of all of us.
That's nothing 'good', nothing special.
Just common sense.
In everything we do we should be able to put fully ourself, our talents, in.
In some great organisations that's possible.
And it looks like we're making some good steps. Our awareness of rotten roots in our system grows.
In more and more organizations you can get your own role. Your own choosen role. What totally suits you. Where there is all the freedom for your particular input, for your positive change. Not bounded and stricted by too many rules and protocols.
Next to intrepreneurship, being able to use your own drive and talents in a great company or organizaton there is the thing called entrepreneurship.
Being your own boss. So having all the freedom.
In both entrepreneurship and intrepreneurship for me one thing counts:
the freedom to choose your own direction.
That your work really matters.
Your work is your life.
Work for who? Just your client?
No. The all of us.
For the bigger picture.
A more beautiful world.